The Measureless Oceans free publishing press is a project of my own. All books are entered–or soon to be–into Creative Commons for public enjoyment.
I am Matthew Keefer. I have been diagnosed bipolar, and have a tendency to want to save the world.
Words are not passive objects describing what flicks onto our senses.
They are creative bricks in the world(s) we inhabit. We must take their sacred power seriously. And we must wield this power fully and responsibly.
“For decades I have traveled down the road of desires. I have seen death and love and everything in the world, humbled at my feet. And now I must select a path here of my future responsibilities—and I am terrified. Yet my shoulders ache to lift a burden up off the world. This is my destiny as a flight-bound un-coccooned adult, and I aim to bring that challenge into the glory of flight.”
-Myself, 2023